When your lymphatic system isn't functioning at its best, toxins & other waste products in your body that should have been eliminated by this system start to accumulate and negatively affect you by contributing to factors such as fatigue, sluggishness, fluid retention, swollen lymph nodes(like in the throat, armpits or groin) and an overall weakened immune system which leaves you more vulnerable to many illnesses.

A professional manual lymph drainage massage, as those offered by our senior therapist at the Mobile Massage Service - Durban(www.mobilemassagedurban.com), will assist in moving the lymphatic fluid through your body, mimicking the natural flow through the lymphatic vessels, so that your body can eliminate the excess toxins and cellular debris contained within this fluid, before it reenters your bloodstream. Contrary to what many believe, this is actually a very light and gentle massage, which although medical in nature, is also incredibly relaxing.

Manual Lymph Drainage is also extremely beneficial after surgeries such as liposuction or breast enhancement/reduction as it helps to reduce swelling and speeds up the recovery process.

Best results are achieved with a course of treatments. The required amount can be discussed with your therapist at the time of your initial session.

Call the Mobile Massage Service - Durban directly on 721 - show phone - 0 to discuss your specific requirements today! You may also view our Manual Lymph Drainage page on our website at http://www.mobilemassagedurban.com/manual-lymph-dr...

Although this is a Mobile Massage Service, we can do treatments for select clients at a private studio, when their own venues are not ideal for their treatment. Speak to us about this is that is your case.

Please note that this service is strictly for Women Only!

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Durban, KwaZulu-Natal